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Key Questions and Comments 
​Consider how the teacher has planned out this unit.  It is clear that she identified what she wanted the end product to be, and built the lessons according to this.

The teacher builds interest in the topic by having students watch and discuss films at the beginning of the unit.  What types of activities could you build into your lessons to hook student interest from the beginning?

The teacher makes a point of allowing student choice.  How do you think this helps with student engagement?

The students are given very clear expectations for what is expected in their final project.  Consider how this helps to guide them throughout the unit.

Notice how the teacher provides student exemplars, so that they can see what a finished product looks like.

​The teacher talks about working on the “constant improvement” of students.  How can you incorporate that kind of thinking into your current lessons?


Description of Video

Discover how Sheree Lynn uses the Design Cycle to engage students and to improve understanding of film study.


0:23 Infrastructure of the creative process
1:12 Discussion of student research and analyzation
2:40 Student dialogue of film attributes
5:12 Elements of authentic assessment
​8:00 Student exemplars


Four Steps of the Design Cycle:
Elements of film
Organized analysis
Authentic assessment
Element of choice

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